6888-0000   |   6888-0000
Admiralty Locksmith -Locksmith in Admiralty
Admiralty Locksmith -Locksmith in Admiralty

Admiralty Locksmith will be able to visit you on site during business hours or outside of business hours. We specifically provide a 24 Hour Emergency Call Out Service.

24hrs hotline : 6888-0000 / 6888-7777

Admiralty Locksmith Admiralty

Admiralty Locksmith Admiralty

Admiralty Locksmith Admiralty

Admiralty Locksmith Service:

Please call 68880000 We are also available on Whatsapp / Line/ Wechat or SMS We will quote for you and how long it will take him to reach Admiralty immediately.

  • 聯絡我們

    MR LOCKSMITH® 註冊商標 信心保證

    任何有關 開鎖 / 配匙 / 換鎖 / 開夾萬 / 維修 / 零售及批發鎖類 的問題

    24小時熱線:  6888 0000


  • 服務範圍

    專業開啟各類 家居門鎖、商業門鎖、夾萬、保險櫃、電子鎖、更換及保養各類門鎖服務。


    24 Hour Locksmith – Locksmith HK – Locksmith Hong Kong
    Our locksmith will be able to visit you on site during business hours or outside of business hours. We specifically provide a 24 Hour Emergency Call Out Service.

  • 聯繫我們

    24小時熱線: 68880000


    24hrs hotline: 68880000